AWT IMR18650 2000mAh (Yellow)
Official specifications:
- Rated Capacity: 2200mAh (0.5CA Discharge)
- Rated Voltage: 3.7V
- Internal Resistance: <100mOhm (with PTC)
- Cut-off Discharge Voltage: 2.75V
- Charge Upper Limit Voltage: 4.20±0.05V
- Charging Time(Std): 4.0hours
- Standard Charging Circuit: 0.2C A
- Charging Circuit: 0.5C A
- Standard Discharging Circuit: 0.2C A
- Fast Discharging Current: 0.5C A
- Max Discharging Current: 2C A
- Weight: about 45.5g
- Height: 65mm
- Operational Temperature: charge (0 ~ 45°C), discharge (-20 ~ 60°C)
- Storage Temperature: within 1 month (-20~ 50°C), within 3 months (-20~ 40°C)
A high current 18650 battery. According to specifications I got from AWT the 30A are pulse rating and 15A is continuous rating.
The batteries cannot deliver 30A. The batteries has about the same capacity, but there is a difference in internal resistance.
The battery can deliver a lot of current, but the difference in internal resistance means that it is a bad idea to use them in series especially at high current.
Notes and links
The batteries was supplied by AWT for a review.
How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
More about button top and flat top batteries
Compare to 18650 and other batteries